
best friends make my world go 'round..

they do. i know it's the same for most people, but fuck it. this is my ish, dammit.

it's e-mails that tell of kids jibbing in yellowknife.
it's waking up extra-early for breakfast at school when i normally won't even wake up for class.
it's movie plans for films that we don't even know have release dates yet.
it's thinking of someone who would love a song, or a movie, or a joke, even when it still hurts too much to tell them about it.
it's playing 18 holes on a sunday afternoon in september and not caring that you were both at least 10 strokes past where you wanted to be.
it's signed copies of one of your favourite groups' new album.
it's dinner with their family.
it's 8-hour time differences.
it's knowing that i'm taking pictures of traffic.
it's text messages from halifax about the ships they have there.
it's getting a birthday e-mail from someone you thought only now existed in your saddest songs.

it's all love, however you look at it. from me. to you. and back again.
if you're here, and you think it's about you, then it probably is.
thank you.



Anonymous said...

having friends all across the country is so comforting and also so tragic. Somebody needs to get married just so I have an excuse to get them all in one room together.


1:28 AM  

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