
"that is so not true. wait, what does that even mean?"

i love how some movies, sometimes, have the unique ability to make your life better, at least for some short period of time. truly great acting, screenwriting, and production, especially when serendipitously coinciding, are an amazingly powerful thing. especially amazing considering that the whole production is necessarily staged. it's sort of a personal (yet unknown to them) contest whenever i go to see a movie. 'alright, impress me. do something. make me not regret spending my often $14 on this roughly-two-hour-including-previews-and-commercials presentation. make me not resent you, hollywood.' more often than not they fail to genuinely impress, and i win. (yes, i do in fact realize the half-truth of that statement. i did spend my $14 on a half-ass-decent moviegoing experience so, yes, in fact the studio/theatre/paying advertisers also win. perhaps moreso than myself. but telling myself that i win as well makes the otherwise mediocre-to-crap experience of losing that hard earned money bearable enough that i don't have to write off all future visits to the movies in an effort to save face.) so when they do impress, it really is something particularly impressive. and by the defenition of that word, the experience sticks with me.

the last movie that impressed me so was Garden State. i won't bother explaining it because i'm sure a million other blog writers have already done it more aptly and time-consumingly than i would, so search those out to hear people's in depth thoughts. all i'll say is that it's a great movie. i saw it three times in theatres. that's how great. if you disagree, screw you, i don't want to hear it. just kidding, that's harsh. well, sort of kidding...

and with unprecendented prolificacy, there are more soon to be released. I Heart Huckabees being one, and Life Aquatic being the other. watch the trailers. you might just agree...

"you don't plant no tree in this parking lot!"
you'll understand. it's funny. funny like terry tate commercials.


peace. love. one of each.


RKO said...

"And what will be the scientific purpose of this expedition?"

"... Revenge."

3:41 AM  

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