
the hours stretch on 'til the night is all gone..

the world is a different place in the tiny hours of the morning, especially somewhere like campus. during exam period some of the buildings are open round the clock to more readily facilitate last-minute cramming. this year i'm actually a bit ahead of the game as the cramming started almost a full 5 days before my first exam. for one night i managed to go fully nocturnal, falling asleep as the suns rays began to shine, and awaking again as they were fading on the horizon. but apparently my years are catching up with me. without continued consumption of caffeine, last night just wasn't as long as it could (and perhaps should) have been. i'm getting a bit of a cold already, whereas in years past it would have been the full week of exams and then a day or two of rest before my immune system jumped ship on me. thankfully there's cold-fx, which is the only thing that's ever worked for me in pseudo-medicinally battling the sniffles.

when it's all said and done, though, despite the physical, mental, financial, and social stresses of school, and especially exam periods, i really do enjoy it. many others say that they do, too.
perhaps it's the sense of accomplishment, whether it comes from managing to cram the better part of a course into your head in a matter of days, or even hours, or from having learned something difficult and esoteric, regardless of its actual usefulness in everyday life thereafter.
perhaps it's the sense of purpose, however dilute, that working towards a degree gives you, even if it is an arts degree after a science degree before a yet-to-be-named degree of also questionable economic value.
perhaps it's the sense of camaraderie with your fellow students, and more importantly with your best friends. if it wasn't for a best friend to laugh, talk, and walk with during these long nights this week, i don't think i'd be getting much done. and i surely wouldn't be having even a fraction of the fun that i am.

thanks to the kid who won't need to read this because he's been there for every minute of it so far.

and thanks to you, too.



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