
stop frontin' and post sum'n...

exams are done, and so am i. it was a good stretch, though, ceteris paribus. in the end i really do enjoy the routine i've come to settle in as a student: don't go to class; hand in most of the assignments, but not all; cram like mad and don't have contact with the world for two weeks before and during exams; relax. it works, and i must say that i'm quite lucky that it does. there are close calls, but i really can't be bothered to do anything without the threat of substantial consequence, i.e. exam stress.

karma gets me, though. the next few days will be spent trying to salvage what's left of my old, and now-defunct hard-drive, and the few following will be spent tweaking the new os to run as smoothly as it did before the recent silicon catastrophe.

i'll be back. and when i do, you won't even notice a difference.



Anonymous said...

Hey, my baseball game goes til like 8:30 so maybe we can still catch a movie. I think Sin City's still playing at the WEM at 10. Call me if you want to hit it up.


11:13 PM  
Kat said...

i must say jackson you are one crazy boy... but i must admit i do enjoy finding new things to read on ur website.... adn since i havent really spoken to you for a little while now, its a nice reminder of you.... you are top!! and dont forget it ;) :)

8:19 AM  

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