
"the surprise club with fun!"


it's funny that even after spending only a week or two somewhere, it still feels comfortable a year later. not to mention that everyone speaks english, which makes things a lot easier, generally speaking.

we started off the week's festivities by attending the danish dmc. for all of you suckers out there who don't know (i really don't mean that, it's not exactly common knowledge), that's the dj championship. a fun night, complete with a performance by former world dmc title-holder dj noize. good times.

on saturday we caught a bus to aarhus, andy's hometown. the bus ride was great, and by great i mean absolute shit. there was a young kid on the bus who made the noise of 10 grown hyenas. it was ridiculous. and the mother just laughed away the whole time, apparently completely oblivious to the fact that every other person on the bus wanted to throttle them. but that aside, we arrived in aarhus and met up with a brilliant young man named negash ali. if you listen to underground hip-hop, watch for him in a few years, because by then he may very well be one of the best around, period. we chilled at a ghetto but productive basement studio for a few hours, and then headed to andy's parents place. i must say, his parents are about as cool as one could possibly expect. some great conversation, even better food, and still better dessert (meringues, topped with vanilla ice cream, topped with homemade strawberry sorbet) later, and we were off to the town to hang out with andy's friend at a random university party. and i must make this point: the danes, whether they know it or not, share an inexplicable love for ac/dc. and whenever it's played at least one of them in any group seems to play their leg as if it were an air guitar. it's hilarious, and somewhat endearing.

an early morning bus ride further, and we were back at home in copenhagen. and without too much delay, i came down with the flu. i don't remember having had it before, so i spent the week thinking that i was going to het sick, when really, i was sick all along. the tone was set for the week. an average of 12-16 hours of sleep per day, gallons of appelsinjuice (oj), and plenty of television. luckily the world iaaf champ's were on, so i was well taken care of.

but, that aside, there were many more highlights of the week, including, but not limited to:

eating "buggi burgers". the things were something like 8 or 9 inches in diameter. unreal. will managed to choke back a double buggi bacon burger with cheese, but unfortunately had to throw it up a few hours later to prevent death.

the same night, we went to a breakdance battle with breakers coming from all over scandinavia. very impressive, very fun to watch. made me want to learn how to do it.

paradis, the best ice cream ever. all natural, all delicious.

eating doner kebap pretty much every day at amager kebap. love it. wish it were available in canada. will cry because it's not.

walking by a little strip club covered with airbrushed naked women, and a giant heart on the front door that read : "surprise club with fun!" unreal. it doesn't even make sense. needless to say we didn't investigate further, though in retrospect perhaps we should have.

andy's random insults throughout the week. i'd never seen that side of him before, but i must say, i was impressed! they were all well placed, and particularly witty. he would have fit right in with us my friends and i in high school.

hanging out with the coolest yoga girl in denmark again, signe. nothing to say but goodness. copenhagen woudn't be the same without her.

i know i'm forgetting something, but i'm hot enough to pass out and i'm full to the top with delicious, wonderful german ice cream. i'll write more later, and add anything i've forgotten to so far.

peace out, rippers. good lookin' out...


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