
ready to tap out.

i suppose it's a fact of life that things will start going poorly where once they were going quite well. the only other possibility really is that they start going worse when they're already going poorly.


it's disappointing when people go back on their word, or fail to follow through on something that they promise, especially when doing so affects the people around them - their friends, their siblings, their children.

it's doubly annoying when it's the same bloody thing over and over again. if the repetitiveness isn't tiring, then the frustration of seeing a lesson go unlearned time and time again certainly is.

sometimes "love" complicates everything, for everybody around it. it's a shame that some of us, seemingly without fail, seem to act so completely ignorantly when blinded by it.

...here's to rationale and hopefully keeping your head on straight long enough to separate love from everything else out there.



~B said...

not that i know what situation you are talking about...or can even try to relate...but...at times i believe you just have to decide when to walk away. most situations in life are unpredictable at best...therefore your own ability to decipher how to react is completely dependent upon your value and belief system...don't feel bad for walking away from a situation you could not "fix", if in the end it gives you some inner peace to just let it go. life is not fair as most of us have come to realize, however the enjoyment you allow yourself to gain from it IS your choice. don't let others jade you by caving to their ideals about how things should be if you do not believe it in yourself. hmm hope this makes some sense...

…and “love”, well although it is annoying if it “complicates” things; i suppose we can’t really judge someone else based on such a personal feeling… who really knows!

10:20 PM  

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