
it's like a million degrees in there.

it's amazing how empowering it is to make an important decision. moreso when you make that decision true to yourself. even moreso when in making that decision, you're also making a stand. it's even nicer when as a result of your decision things begin to come together and your quality of life improves, sometimes almost immediately.

sadly, it will probably fade sooner than later, but for the time being, i'm excited. i want to create things. i want to accomplish things that i'd only jokingly entertained in the past. i want to reach goals, and then set new ones and reach those, too. i want to devote my life to my passions and loves. i want to be in iceland. australia. egypt. costa rica. everywhere but here. and here. with him. and her. especially with her.

having a sense of purpose drives life, it seems - even if that purpose is to do nothing for a while. it's the knowing of what you genuinely want to do, and the doing of it, or at least working towards it, that feeds the furnace of the soul.

my soul, anyway.

here's to you finding your fuel, and firing that furnace.


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