
when life hands you lemons...

i'm up late because i can't sleep. i'm exhausted, but i still can't sleep. maybe it's the splitting headache that i have at the moment. maybe the headache was caused by being on my feet all day in an environment lit entirely by fluorescent lights. maybe the headache has something to do with mechanically repeating the same menial and intellectually void tasks all day long. it's hard to do something that you totally don't care about, even if paid handsomely to do it. apparently aversion to working a mindless job is something that the cognitive scientists would say is "cognitively impenetrable"; no matter what you tell yourself in an effort to make it seem okay, that shit is hardwired into your brain as being bad times. hell, maybe it's hardwired to give you a splitting headache.

but alas, those menial tasks will soon be no longer. my dams of tolerance reached a threshold and thence burst, hopefully never to be built again. my mind, if not my bank account, will certainly thank me in the months to come.

go for yours, kids. if you don't, someone else will.


Anonymous said...

:) sjam

12:31 PM  
~B said...

well put J,

I couldn't agree more... as a fellow lemon, I can't wait until my days under the same conditions come to an end...cheers to having more to life to look forward to than just folding pants haha ;)

ahh thank God for education, track, travel, friends and family!!

...the future is in our hands!


11:23 PM  

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