
go, nukkah.

yeah, i said it. go. all oriental and shit. like chess, but way more intense. stellar, is any game during the play of which you can both stress and flex your mental while also having good conversation, laughs, beef stew, cheesecake, and 3 pots of tea. stel-lar. shit's even got me typing in syllables.

"It is commonly said that no game has ever been played twice. This may be true: On a 19×19 board, there are about 3361×0.012 = 2.1×10170 possible positions, most of which are the end result of about (120!)2 = 4.5×10397 different (no-capture) games, for a total of about 9.3×10567 games. Allowing captures gives as many as 10^{7.49 \times 10^{48}}
possible games, all of which last for over 4.1×1048 moves! (For two comparisons: the number of legal positions in chess is estimated to be between 1043 and 1050; and physicists estimate that there are not more than 1090 protons in the entire visible universe.) " - Wikipedia

here's to $1500 go tables and plastic game sheets. 'sright, batch! we keeps it RAAAEL!


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