
it's vicious out there...

...and i need a break from it all.

nah, that's not true. i just need more hours in the day. that would be a permanent stopgap, if such a thing can exist.

then again, maybe i'd just pursue more interests and be in the same boat, albeit more productive when the inventory is taken.



i went shooting with shiv this morning, which was long overdue. were overdue, actually, both the time together, and the shooting of photographs.

we walked down the old trolley tracks, under the 9th street bridge, and into the now-abandoned graffiti tunnel. life was talked about, and the important things that comprise it, and now i feel grounded. enough so that i'm calm in the midst of the end-of-semester tutoring/paper-editing/assignment-completing/studying/exam-writing frenzy.

at the same time it reminded me of how much i miss other friends, although i'm happy that they're doing well where they are, which is nowhere near where i am.

there's always some amount of risk in letting someone into your life, and in growing close to people. they might change, pass on, move away, or decide that things just need to be different. if i've learned one thing about love, life, and loss, though, it's that the old folks and poets are right; it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

in the end, though, if it really is love - whether for friends, for family, or for your boo - it's never really loss. we're always more for having shared in it.

and that, my friends, is what makes life worth living.



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