
light 'em up

i bought light bulbs today. i spent a good half an hour in rona looking at them, i kid you not. the number of different light bulbs a person can get is really quite amazing. in the end, although i had to buy regular incandescent bulbs (the "regular" kind with the filaments and all) because i needed ones with the tiny end on them to fit my lamps, i was thoroughly educated on the still somewhat new energy efficient bulbs that the market now has to offer.

peep: you can get a compact fluorescent bulb that puts out 60W worth of incandescent bulb equivalent light, and it runs at 11W. you can get a 40W efficient bulb that puts out the equivalent of a 150W incandescent light. the only catch? they cost more. sometimes up to 6 times as much. but wait. the other catch? they last up to 12 times as long, and the amount of money you save on your electricity bill can be upwards of $75 over the lifetime of the bulb, depending on the size of bulb you're replacing.

but, snap. peep again: not only do you save mad money in the end on both bulbs and electricity bills, i've been told that using them will also reduce carbon emissions by potentially hundreds of pounds over the life of the bulb (google it, that ish is everywhere, money).

so get your save on, kids, for the sake of both your piggy bank and the environment.


Anonymous said...

Yeah try changing 10,000 lightbulbs in a summer... *shudder*
Anyways, whats up J? Holla!?

12:24 AM  

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