
"like sitting in a car..."

i've gotten mad lazy on the blog tip lately. sorry to those who've been wondering. i've been spending (squandering?) my time on things like school, music, track, and of course strudel. yeah, you heard - strudel. if you ain't got, i suggest you get. but you can't have mine, dun. hells naw, i got mine locked down.

on the plus side, i'm nearly done a couple of songs, which means that if you're the kind to listen, then you've got some new coming your way.

with things shuffling around, and me losing another close friend to life abroad this coming month, i'm finding myself not only a bit out of sorts, but a bit out of plans as well. routine can be good, but as a particularly smart shortcake once said, if you're not moving forward, then you're moving backward.

so what do you do when you can't decide which way you're going? like sitting in a car and feeling like you're moving backwards, when it's really the other cars that are moving forwards. or is it both? thanks to einstein, who's really to say?

i'm too young to be missing the good old days.


g. said...

you could always go to portugal. portugal's crazy fly.

2:41 PM  

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