
the week in music

andre rieu and his orchestra of goofs - it was a fun show. he's from holland, and he's a goof himself. the show was geared towards the 60+ crowd, without a doubt, but that was perfect considering that my date (she's my neighbour, actually) is well into her 70's. maybe even the 80's, i can't quite recall... they did play some classic waltzes, and some other classic pieces as well, and any time dozens of old couples break out into spontaneous ballroom dancing in the aisles, you know you're in the thick of it. a highlight of the evening was definitely the release of thousands of balloons from the roof of the rexall, and the half an hour of older folks playing balloon volleyball afterwards. i swear, i've never seen so many happy seniors in one place in all my life. it was awesome.

kid koala - tonight at the powerplant. it was great. nothing will ever match the show that g and i were lucky enough to see a few years back (and i mean that, in my lifetime, for me it may never be matched), but any time you get to see kid koala perform, you're lucky. he rocked the set on 4 turntables, giving a one-man band performance that the skratch picklz themselves would have been awed by. moon river was played, and the evening was enjoyed. and i even had shortcake there. it could only have been better with some g as well.

and now to bed.


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