
"the unexamined life is not worth living" - plato

if you're at all interested in good books about the incredible things humans are capable of, then you might like born on a blue day and if you're a thinker, then you might like the philosophy of religion.

if you haven't seen them, rent
who killed the electric car?, an inconvenient truth, and the corporation. educate yourselves. don't take the films at face value either, but watch them and then start questioning things for yourself. it's your world, you may as well be involved in it.

plato was on some real with that quote; question everything. question your parents, question science, question your teachers, question religion, question philosophy. most certainly question your leaders, and as importantly question your followers. question your peers, your elders, and those younger. it doesn't mean that you need to disagree with everything; that's just not possible. but learn as much as you can, and do your thinking for yourself. don't be afraid to be critical. it's the only way that progress is ever made, and it may be the only way to truly learn anything about the world you live in, and about yourself.

don't take my word for it, try it yourself.


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