
it's about time

it's been a while.

i didn't die in brasil. clearly. though we did swim with crocs and piranhas at the same time. then we ate some distant cousins of those piranhas for dinner, after we caught them with makeshift fishing rods by standing and leaning out of a terribly sketchy and shifty rowboat. it was fantasgreat.

however, despite my failing to die in the pantanal, things have indeed changed, and continue to do so, and that's a good thing. and you'll hear more about that soon. and i'll probably regale you with tales of my brasilian exploits as well. if you're lucky. and if i can find my trip journal. which is really just some point-form scribblings on a scrap of looseleaf i accidentally brought with.

oh, and even though i haven't been writing very often, which has probably driven most of you to read things like books or the news (shame on you), this ish is now rss and atom feed-friendly, and e-mail update notifying. peep the sidebar, and sign up to either joint if you're still interested and you can't be arsed to check for updates manually.

lord knows i couldn't be.


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