
sending out an s.o.s.

it's like finding out that someone you love is moving away, or - though i'm sure some would say it's a stretch - dying.

a few months ago it was announced that polaroid is discontinuing production of all instant film. now it may sound silly to you if you're not a photographer, and it may even sound silly if you're a photographer who hasn't shot polaroid before. but it's really not silly at all. polaroid is one of the singlemost innovative and unique introductions to the world of photography in its short two hundred year history. while some doubtless see it as a novelty, to many (and many professional, award-winning, and groundbreaking) photographers, polaroid has been an important, fun, and prolific medium for work, art, and documentation. without any statistics to back me up, i'm still willing to say that the vast majority of us have enjoyed the wonder of polaroid film at some point in our lives. from childhood birthday parties, to family trips, to scrapbooks, first loves, great loves, and the overlooked everyday, polaroid has been there in some form or another to keep our past present. as one photographer said, "it's like having a memory form right in front of your eyes." in a way that digital photography will never duplicate, the thrill of seeing a polaroid develop before your eyes is as unique an experience as playing your first song on a piano or seeing the eiffel tower in person.

hell, as i type i'm even propping my laptop up on a used 779 cartridge.

so if you've ever felt a fondness for instant film in any form, consider signing the petitions at save polaroid. it just might be enough to prevent this rather wonderful invention from fading into the art history books just yet.

here's to being there for an old friend in their time of need.


Blogger Sarah said...

yes, i have many wonderful memories that have been documented by a certain somebody on polaroid film ...

i've signed the petition!!


5:04 PM  

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