
stop frontin' and post sum'n...

exams are done, and so am i. it was a good stretch, though, ceteris paribus. in the end i really do enjoy the routine i've come to settle in as a student: don't go to class; hand in most of the assignments, but not all; cram like mad and don't have contact with the world for two weeks before and during exams; relax. it works, and i must say that i'm quite lucky that it does. there are close calls, but i really can't be bothered to do anything without the threat of substantial consequence, i.e. exam stress.

karma gets me, though. the next few days will be spent trying to salvage what's left of my old, and now-defunct hard-drive, and the few following will be spent tweaking the new os to run as smoothly as it did before the recent silicon catastrophe.

i'll be back. and when i do, you won't even notice a difference.



the story of how i fell off and went ghost

< excuses >



< /excuses >

making html code jokes like it's 1995,


some day

i spent the morning in court today participating in a trial on a traffic violation incurred last summer. the details of it aren't at all important, nor is the outcome; what's interesting is being involved in the process and having the opportunity to "play the game". the argument surrounding the summons ended up being a matter of semantics. it was the legal definitions and interpretations thereof that were being refuted. the trial seemed short, lasting only an hour and a half, but was actually quite long relatively speaking, considering the nature of the issue. it was akin to an academic debate, in the end. the magistrate passed judgement based on the arguments and presentations of both sides, notably under subjective interpretation of the debate's primary question. i'd go so far as to say that it was genuinely fun.

but back to the matter at hand, that of word and definition. we don't usually think of what actually defines a "day" here on earth. ask five people and you may well get five different responses. scientifically speaking, for any celestial body in our solar system a day is defined as the period of time required for the body to rotate a full revolution around its primary axis of rotation. likewise, a year is defined as the amount of time that it takes a body in our solar system to complete one entire orbital cycle around the sun.

simple enough.

what's interesting, then, is that on venus, for example, a day is longer than a year. a venutian day lasts for about 243 earth days worth of time. the venutian year lasts 223 earth days.

entirely inconsequential to you, i know. but it's certainly interesting how much thought can be borne of a few simple words, even the ones that seem more simple than most.



one of the sickest photos i've seen in a long while, courtesy of archie florcruz.




"throw up the white flag and call 'er a day"

simple words to me from the wise on what to do when you manage to herniate a disc in your back. it's the only option, really, because generally speaking, it's pretty hard to move. we always take things for granted when everything is going well and we're in good health, but i didn't at all appreciate how much you use your back until it wasn't available for use. it's humbling to go from sprint-training to bed-ridden inside of two hours. but maybe it's a good thing to be humbled once in a while. it keeps us...well, humble, of course.

here's to my busted-back brethren - from gumped-450 vbc ambulance rides and ER dance parties, to keek pre-skate stretchin' sessions, to L5-S1 disc-slip traction-nap veterans. holdin' it down on the disabled list so y'all don't have to.
