
an omnisexual congress

so the all too controversial bill c-38 was passed in the house yesterday. when senate signs off, which is expected to happen within the next few days, canada will become the third nation in the world to officially sanction same-sex marriages.

the debate of course, will rage on. when an issue is as contentious as this particular one happens to be, there simply is no middle-ground. someone will be left angry and unsatisfied regardless of the decision made.

personally, i'm glad the bill passed. it was well put by paul martin that "We are a nation of minorities. And in a nation of minorities, it is important that you don't cherry-pick rights." everyone should have the same rights, or we don't have much right to call ourselves free. the definition of a same-sex marriage won't make mine any different. and what the hell does it matter to me anyway? if my marriage's meaning changes based on the meaning of someone else's marriage, then i'll have completely missed the point of marriage in the first place. if heterosexual people can marry for money, power, security, spite, fear, loneliness, or desperation, then why can't homosexual people marry for love? same-sex unions won't ruin "marriage". human nature took care of that a long, long time ago.

so let the old people scream and complain all they want; old habits die hard. in 20, 30, perhaps 40 years when the majority of same-sex marriage opponents are dead, the then-dead issue won't even warrant a second thought. much the same as racial integration, female sufferage, or habeas corpus, it will be a fact of life and future generations will have a hard time imagining it having been any other way.

grow up, old people.


i dream in digital, but be livin' crazy analog

the days are winding down fast. kope arrives tomorrow, which more or less signals the beginning of the end of my summer at home. sleeping bags and tents have been purchased, airfare was on lock months ago, and anything else not absolutely pertinent has been left as open as possible, perhaps in a style reminiscent of Bright Eyes: "no one ever plans to sleep out in the gutter, sometimes that's just the most comfortable place."

the beginning of the end.

it's crazy how quickly time passes. it's a problem of mine to constantly evaluate what i've accomplished, what i should accomplish, whether i'm accomplishing anything right now, what's the "best" thing to try and accomplish, how efficient i can be in accomplishing things, and on and on and on... not that i don't relax, because for the most part i'm a pretty slack kid. i rarely get less than 9 hours of sleep a night, and i'm never up early enough to get caught up in the doldrums of the hurry-up-and-wait eveyday world that this capitalist dynasty seems so intent on driving forwards to infinity and beyond. realistically i spend more time pondering what to do than i do actually pursuing things. not to say that it's a bad thing either; cognitive science has shown that the best problem solvers spend the bulk of their time thinking about a problem before diving in. planning is the weapon of choice for those who perform best. but that doesn't apply to everything, of course. in life it's all too easy to sit around thinking yourself into a hole. finding a good balance of plan and action is the real challenge.

and in the end, who gives a shit? as long as you're genuinely happy and you're not harming anyone else in the process, you're way ahead of the game. your way, my way, a new way, the old way, it doesn't matter. do what works for you. and if what you're doing isn't working, try something different. it's your life, why not be happy with what you're doing in it?

here's to you dreamin' digi and livin' mad analog.




it's 'the hear after'

crisis averted. mdci fucked up my domain registration and i lost the site for a while there. thanks to those of you who noticed (all eyes on g). i'll write more later, maybe even post a new picture or two.



beat it.

i was recently dumped (in a platonic sense) by someone because i don't share their religious beliefs. all the power to them in the right to make their decisions how they will, but i couldn't help but feel that it was a bit extreme. when your 'faith' becomes so strong that you won't associate with people who don't share your religious beliefs, it seems to me that it's almost hateful. when the person is a Christian, it seems only more so. so much for "love thy brother..." and "judge not...". i wonder if Jesus cut people off for not agreeing with him?

it's a shame when otherwise amazing people are that closed-minded. maybe i'm being naive in not selecting friends solely based on common religious beliefs, but it seems to me that would be the least tolerant thing to do.


"if you walk away i'll walk away, but first tell me which road you will take. i don't want to risk our paths crossing some day, so you walk that way and i'll walk this way..." - conor oberst of bright eyes, land-locked blues


hot hot hotness

i got a new computer program called 'reason'. i may now fail my final exam. making electronic music is hilarious, and fun.

move over muskabeats, again.



he makes electronic music. or so they told me. i have the album 'the milk of human kindness' and i can see how some might mistake it for electronic music at times. but when the live show contains not one, but two drum sets, acoustic and electric guitars, and a recorder, it stops being electronic to me.

and for the record, the live show is f'ing awesome. if they're coming to your town, check it out. best $17 i've spent in a long time.
