
jack frost, you son of a bitch!

in a matter of a few days the weather here took a 30C swing: +15C to -15C. it was the longest autumn i can rememberin the last 24 years. since i've stopped skiing as much as i used to, i really wouldn't mind if it didn't drop below zero here all year 'round.

i don't think that's going to happen any time soon.

but there are nice things that come with the cold, as well. like finally wearing the brand new red bubble-goose burton jacket that you bought in june, and having it be even better than you thought it would be. the cold outside also makes it extra nice to stay warm inside - in bed, under a blanket, or by the fire.

i think that's about it.

one of the bad things about the snow is the fact that people go into idiot mode in their cars as soon as the first flake hits the ground. it's amazing how poor most people are at driving in the first place; it's even more amazing how much the field spreads out once things get the slightest bit challenging.

stay warm. and if you're a bad driver, stay home.

nah, i don't really mean that.

just take the bus instead.



show time

can a show by one of your favourite bands of all time be a bad thing, even when the show is really great?

after seeing
broken social scene in concert last night, i more or less want to drop everything in my life and play music.

but maybe i wanted that already anyhow, and they just made me more excited to do it. speaking of which, it's been over a year since i finished a song. talk about slacking.



go to class, kids.

it's happened yet again.

i try to fool myself every year in believing that things will be different, but they never are. well, that's not entirely true. for one semester they were different, but after that i decided to say, "screw it, that's done with." and despite telling myself that no, it can't be done with, it may well in fact be so.

people wonder if perhaps i'm depressed? lazy? apathetic? narcoleptic? well, my friends, the answer is: sure, maybe i am. but mostly i just can't be bothered to go to class because i feel that it's a waste of my time. i'm paying for the degree parchment and the administrative privilege of being graded, not the hours in lecture.

maybe i'd do a tiny bit better if i went to school, but i don't think the benefits would outweigh the detriments. i need my beauty sleep... like i need a hole in the head. hiyo!

don't be a slacker like me - go to class, kids.


ready to tap out.

i suppose it's a fact of life that things will start going poorly where once they were going quite well. the only other possibility really is that they start going worse when they're already going poorly.


it's disappointing when people go back on their word, or fail to follow through on something that they promise, especially when doing so affects the people around them - their friends, their siblings, their children.

it's doubly annoying when it's the same bloody thing over and over again. if the repetitiveness isn't tiring, then the frustration of seeing a lesson go unlearned time and time again certainly is.

sometimes "love" complicates everything, for everybody around it. it's a shame that some of us, seemingly without fail, seem to act so completely ignorantly when blinded by it.

...here's to rationale and hopefully keeping your head on straight long enough to separate love from everything else out there.




i'm just not down with it. that's not to say that i disagree with consumption, because i don't. it would be kind of silly to, really. you wouldn't be much a part of society at all if you flat out refused to consume. but we do waste an incredible amount here in north america.

money, resources, energy, time, food, self, opportunity, life.

i'm still young in the eyes of most of the people around me, and yet i look at society and already can't help but feel that for the most part i don't fit in, and that i don't want much to do with it. with the job or career that's taken as a means of reaching the elusive end of having amassed an excess of financial and material wealth. the consumption of things just because you can. the wasting of money because you have enough that you can waste it. spending a quarter of your working life earning the money to afford the car that you now need because things have been designed and built such that you're trapped and can't much leave home without one. not wanting to give money to homeless people because you know they're going to drink and/or smoke it away. realizing that most of everything around us, the government included, is owned and operated by a handful of huge corporations that want nothing more than to fill our bodies and minds with, and get us hooked on the drugs that they provide so that they might leech us of our money, energy, and willpower. seeing millions upon millions of people who don't question anything around them, even when everything around them seems to be killing half of everything else around them. religious and ideological wars fought over oil and fear. the rape and abandonment of a planet that was once healthy, to the end of adding artificial stimulation to an otherwise wholly unnatural and sterile urban world.

wow, that's the most negative i've been in a long while.

i think i'll leave it at that.



a public service, in announcement form.

i may as well do something useful with this space, and since i'm not writing anything (that's not true, i have a draft of more european adventures almost ready) i thought i'd put up a song that you might like to hear. it's not mine, it's de la soul's. so i guess i'm committing all sorts of copyright infringement, but they won't track me down. i hope. and maybe you'll even buy the album, nawmean? it's called "aoi:bionix", and you can't go wrong with it. the song itself won't be up for terribly long, so download it, listen to it, and hopefully love it and learn from it. maybe hip-hop isn't what the radio/tv told you it is.

