
a relaxed and cordial affair.

snap, my boy done got himself married.

a big congratulations to g and his homey. what can i say? she looks gorgeous in a wedding dress and he speaks as well as he writes (which is better than most authors, to clarify).

be jealous, boys and girls - two of the good ones are off the market for good.


beside myself

carl rogers would probably see it as anxiety stemming from an incongruity of self. in contrast, a fully functioning person is attuned to their actualizing tendency, and as a result experiences a sense of coherence and consistency. in simple terms, they're being who they truly are, and they feel good because of it.

reintegrating a partially disorganized self isn't easy, though. confronting the discrepancies between the elements of your experience is an often complex process, the direction of which is usually not clear at the outset, and is often emotionally diffucult even when the problem is clear.

i wonder if that's how stella got her groove back? i'll never watch the movie, so i'll probably never know.



how unique.

it's a powerful thought that none of us can ever be the exact same by design. ever. not identical twins, nor even a clone of ourselves will be the same. we are each unique, and for the most part incredibly so.

how so we know that? well, one answer is that there aren't enough genes in the human genome to encode for each and every neural connection in the human brain. thus, it's not possible for two human brains to be planned to be exactly similar. and if our brains aren't the exact same, then neither are we.

such a simple concept, with such amazing and diverse consequences. i love it when the universe blows my mind.

here's to you and to me, forever unique.


it was a...

long day, filled with driving. but i'm now the owner of both lower back pain from the shitty and lacking-in-lumbar-support driver's seat in the jeep, and several new records that apparently someone else didn't have a need for. thanks, suckers! drum samples and german lessons like whoa.

on a tangent: i don't know why i'm so interested in religion (learning about religions in general, to be precise) these days. maybe i always would have been interested had i taken the time to learn. maybe i've gotten to the point where i've developed my own world view enough that i can critically think about what i'm learning. maybe it's more of a cultural learning experience than anything else. maybe the cultural makes religion more interesting because i've done a bit of travelling now. no matter how interesting it is, though, it's still not fun to write exams on it.

keep asking questions, kids. always, always ask questions.



it's a double-edged sword.

whether you've spent months, years, or decades training for something, when you make progress after a lull it's almost as if you're discovering it again for the first time. progress drives you, renews you, inspires you.

on the other hand, though, progress can mean something different entirely. it can mean learning, discovering, and growing. and in that vein it can mean making realizations and decisions; it can mean moving on and leaving a part of your person or your life behind. it can mean change, which i've said before can be scary as hell. it can mean ending an era. closing a chapter. saying goodbyes.

it can mean getting in way over your head; in a job, in lies, in a relationship, as the human race in everything else that we do that sometimes seems so alarmingly unnatural.

and of course, it can mean moving on to bigger and better things, the stuff that your dreams are made of, and more.

here's to you, blessed to progress for the best,


caribou, part deux.

caribou came back to town and played the starlite room with the faunts. it was sick. the best part of caribou's set is still seeing both of the drummers going absolutely nuts at the same time. the energy they create - to me, anyway - is unreal.

and again: now all i want to do is drop everything, buy a theremin and a drumset, and play music all day and night.

and watch arrested development. funniest show ever. if you don't know? now ya know.




kids whine. it seems to be a fact of life. and some of it must be genuine whining for the sake of whining, but i don't think it's all that way.

maybe kids whine sometimes because their parents aren't listening to them.

working in retail from time to time these days, i see kids with parents shopping a lot. there are the whiny kids whose parents you wish would just shut them up, but then there are the ones who seem to be whining because their parents refuse to even acknowledge their existence. granted, the parent might be ignoring them because they've been whining all day long already, but a lot of the time it just doesn't seem to be the case.

i didn't whine much as a kid, but my parents always listened to what i had to say. maybe if parents out there are sick of their whiny kids acting like babies, they should treat them a bit more like adults. i wouldn't feel very good if someone was ignoring everything i had to say, either.

just a thought.
