
go and see who killed the electric car. then ask why you can't even buy a plug-in hybrid from the major manufacturers.

those sonsofbitches.


"i look good. i mean really good. hey, everybody! come see how good i look!" - ron burgundy

there's an interesting article in the paper today (the independent) about body dysmorphic disorder, the prevalence of which appears related to ultra-thin and overly-idealized celebrity culture. maybe it's having grown up in the neighbourhood that i did, but i've seen more body dysmorphic disorder over the years than i could possibly recall, even if i did want to.

check it out, and if it's gone already, e-mail me and i can forward you the full text.

here's to you being a healthy you. and to hell with hollywood; their movies are crap anyway.


quelle bonne chance!

they found the jeep, a dozen blocks from where it was stolen. the golf clubs were there, the shoes were there, the stereo and the changer were there. only the loose change and my tape adapter were gone.

it almost blew my mind.

anyway, there's a new song for those who don't know; those who do know have already heard it. just visit the lab, and click on the bird. it's called "steinbeck (for john)". bonus points to anyone who can relate the title to the song itself.

here's to your recovering a piece of you, too.


where, oh where has my little jeep gone?

'tis sad, but alas, 'tis true. after more than 8 years of loyal and undying service, the whereabouts, let alone fate of the cherokee, are now more unclear than ever. stolen in the still of night from a security-card controlled, video-monitored parking garage.


"i'm not even mad, that's amazing!" - ron burgundy

"there is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn." - camus