
"a lot goes on...

...but nothing much happens." it's a ben lee quote. from before anybody here really new the name.

which reminds me, i was listening to that kid when he was still a kid. which was back when i was a kid. that blew my mind at the time, him being only slightly older than me and somehow playing on my discman (back when people listened to discmen) on a real cd, recorded for the beastie boys' label. blew my young teenage mind...

anyway, at present all must be well, because it's 6:40 am and i'm still awake (o ye of little faith! who would dare doubt that i'm still a night-owl! for i am, dammit.) but in general, yes, a lot goes on and nothing much happens. but i'm not going to bitch about that.

what i am going to bitch about is price inflation due to unforeseen popularity of an otherwise rather obscure product. jpg magazine published a bit on the polaroid sx-70 in their most recent issue, and now the things have jumped from the reasonable price neighbourhood of 40ish USD to anywhere between 70 and 150 USD on ebay. FRICK. not because i don't own one, because i do, purchased pre-price-jump. but i have a crazy idea that has everything to do with the 180 currently unusable sheets of sheet film sitting in my fridge, large-format pack-film adapters, an sx-70, and a lot of tools (including saws). so if you know of anyone with an sx-70 who'd like to sell it at a reasonable price, SHOUT AT ME. not to be picky, but it also needs to be one of the folding slr models, not the model 3, and not one of those crap plastic joints with the plastic lens. i've got mad holga on that tip already. oh, and it needs to work, so that after i hack it apart there's at least a chance that it will still work. i have pack-film slr on the brain, and it won't let me rest.

i also built a pinhole camera out of a matchbox.

yeah, you heard. on some diy shit - done did it myself, dun. we'll see how that turns out when i get the negatives back from the lab. and some new holga ish, too.

and i'm dreaming of curved-film-plane panoramic wide-angle pinholes in 35 and 120 formats, too. we'll see if i ever find the time to make them, but if i do, i can promise some heat.

on a separate tip, fitting with the massive amount of archaeology studying i have planned for this weekend, i'm listening to "la ferrassie" by tokyo police club at the moment (that allusion, i suppose, is more anthropology than archaeology, but screw it - they're both all up in digging around for ancient artifacts). they're a fun band, and any time a song (or several songs, in this case) makes me want to grab the antique lamp beside my desk and smash it into the fireplace mantle in a fit of drum break induced delirium, i know that it's a keeper.

cotdayam if i don't love me some throw-caution-to-the-wind-and-responsibility-to-the-wayside, heart-pounding, get-up-out-ya-seat-and-jump-off-ya-feet, lamp-smashing drumming.

i do, you know.


"i ain't tryin' to flip on mars" - j-live

here's the scariest news i've heard in a while.

and to the haters and non-believers: even if it's not true in the end (which is highly unlikely), what do we really have to lose by trying to make the world a cleaner place?

that's what i thought - nothing.

...and a coffee and cigarettes quote for the road.

bill murray: "doc, what could i do for this cough?"
rza: "daamn, i was just thinkin' about dat. check dis out: you get some hyjogen puwoxide..."[...]
bill murray: "we got that... for, uh, cuts and stuff like that."
rza: "...fifty puhcent hyjogen puwoxide, fifty puhcent watuw - you garguw wit' it. do not swallow, you spit it out. DON'T SWALLOW, bill murray!"
gza: "yeah, 'n if that doesn't work, try oven cleaner."

ridiculous, and hilarious.


"coffee and cigarettes"

on some gza/rza dialogue, i ain't mess with caffeine and nicotine. but on jigga's recommendation i peeped the flick. i recognized the title from the bill at a shady english-language movie theatre in Nice going on three years back, but since i didn't pay my 5 euros to sit in a smoky theatre, i really didn't know what to expect. in short, it's a series of black and white vignettes centring on the motif of coffee and cigarettes; the characters are played by actors, musicians, and some who pretend to be either or both.

cate blanchett's performance was really good, and if i hadn't known better i would have thought that both characters in her scene were played by different people. alfred molina and steve coogan's scene was great in an awkward way, as well. but the icing on the cake was the scene with the rza, the gza, and bill murray. i get a kick out of rza regardless, and bill murray is fully classic. you really just can't go wrong with combining bill murray and the wu-tang clan. i love how they keep calling bill murray by his full name, when talking directly to him, no less. and you can't beat the dialogue. "caffeine is ridiculous right now!" - rza

anyway, peep it if you have some time to kill. there are probably at least a couple of vignettes in there for most people.