
"slept through christmas..."

"...slept like a bucket of snow"

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what's that? you want to purchase a print? cotdayam, that's a good idea! please e-mail me (from the q-lab main page) and i'll hook you up.

and yup, this photo is copyrighted, so please don't steal it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jackson, sweetie pie.... that is an absolutely awesome picture... take it from someone who has never seen snow in her life, it's almost magical.. i wish it would snow like that where i live, but alas, not possible, downunder dosent snow like that... ;)

10:24 PM  
Blogger g. said...

someone ELSE is calling you sweetie pie? unimpressed. i've only been gone for two weeks, bastard.

1:36 PM  
Anonymous kat said...

didnt realise i had some competition, if i had known i owuldnt have stepped on ur toes G...i promise i wont do it again :P

12:20 AM  

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