
strings and holes

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what's that? you want to purchase a print? cotdayam, that's a good idea! please e-mail me (from the q-lab main page) and i'll hook you up.

and yup, this photo is copyrighted, so please don't steal it.


Blogger jan & shiv said...

dude this shot is great! I love the play with light and shadows, and how it hits the metal. Such a calm shot, with a nice throw of the blue and red lines to break the consistency.

good eye on the close up!

10:58 PM  
Blogger jan & shiv said...

hey dude! I keep trying to comment on your site, but the comment section is in Kanji. So, I don't know what most of it is. But I wanted to say that this photo is wicked with the play on shadows and lights. The way they hit the metal is really nice. The tight focusing makes the shot elusive.

Very nice!

11:01 PM  

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