

the editors at photosho magazine decided to include a photo of mine (not of me) in their premiere issue. whoa! i know, you're going to rush out and buy a copy right now, both to see my photo in print, and to support independent canadian media because you believe that without it our democracy will lose some of its validity. what a statement!

but really, it's filled with lots of pretty pictures, all of canada, all taken by canadians. so check it out. it's the very first issue, so if you do like pretty pictures, help them get the magazine off the ground by picking one up. they even mail to your doorstep!


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what's that? you want to purchase a print? cotdayam, that's a good idea! please e-mail me (from the q-lab main page) and i'll hook you up.

and yup, this photo is copyrighted, so please don't steal it.


Blogger Shivaan said...

DUDE ! Many congrats ! that is sooo good! which pics are they? I wonder if they deliver to Japan??? :o


K, booya.


6:14 AM  
Blogger Shivaan said...

Heya dude! I wrote a comment about this two days ago on your site, but didn't seem to go on. All this Kanji that comes up when I want to post on your site. *don't worry , I finally figured it out now! there's this little button called, Language that I guess.. I was supposed to press. well.. yah, so!

Congrats dude on the photosho mag! that's dope. What pics are you putting in? Tell me all about it!

6:17 AM  

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